Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 11

This week I tried to design the turbine that will use in my micro power generator. I tried to learn and use several software to design by using SketchUp. Below shown the SketchUp software.
The reason I using SketchUP because it is easier to learn it and design the turbine. Also I can use it to print out my design by using 3D printer. The reason I made the 3D printing for the turbine is to test on how it can work in the water pipe.

The Design of Spehrical Helical Turbine
 Below shown the design of turbine that been made by using SketchUp. There a lot of things need consider when designing the turbine which is the size of the turbine, the angle of  the blade's turbine and the shape of the turbine. We need to make sure that the size of the turbine is fit in the water pipe. Also the angle of blade's turbine need to pay off attention. If the angle was not properly make, then the turbine will not rotate by the pressure and the flow rate of water.
1st Design
2nd Design

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